Domotica Huizen

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Domotica Huizen

Home of the Future
House_n is a department of architecture research consortium at the massachusetts institute of technology that explores how new technologies, materials, and strategies for design can make possible dynamic, evolving places that respond to the complexities of life. changing places is a joint architecture and media laboratory consortium that includes house_n and emphasizes links between the home and places of healing, work, learning, and community.

Living tomorrow
Living tomorrow

Service residenties
Buitengewoon wonen, werken, recreëren, dienstverlening en zorg in europa voor kopers en huurders. -- extraordinary housing, work, leasure, services and care in europe for buyers and tenants.

Smart Homes
Welkom bij de stichting smart homes! op deze website vindt u informatie over automatisering binnen de woning, ook wel domotica genoemd. diverse zaken zoals de mogelijkheden van domotica, projecten, diverse gebruikersgroepen en domotica technologie worden beschreven.

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